
Emsisoft Anti-Malware バージョン9の正式版が公開されました。

Emsisoft Anti-Malware バージョン9の正式版が公開されました。

Emsisoft Anti-Malware の最新バージョン が公開されました。
Emsisoft Anti-Malware バージョン9の正式版が公開されました。


バージョン 9.0 では、ユーザーインターフェースが一新されました。

Windows 8向けに最適化された新しいデザインは、理解しやすい作りに






 「Test for 30 days, free」を選択すると、30日間は有料版の機能が



Emsisoft Anti-Malware 9.0新機能の詳細

  • Improved usability:

    Our primary goal is to provide complete protection against viruses and other malware, with a focus on maximum efficiency in every respect.

    Emsisoft Anti-Malware 9 is not an overloaded, sluggish suite.

    It is fast and lean, and focuses on what is most essential: keeping your PC malware free.

    The completely revised user interface in version 9 reflects this intention and has been optimized for Windows 8.

    The new design arranges the main functions with corresponding shapes and coloring, making them quickly accessible and easy to understand ? especially for first-time users.

    We believe that anti-malware software has never been easier to use, and yet we also think that Emsisoft Anti-Malware 9 will be highly valued by computer professionals worldwide, for its flexible configuration and advanced capabilities.

  • Faster scans with better detection:

    Our dual-scanner strategy has been tried and tested for many years, and it has successfully won countless comparatives and awards from renowned anti-virus test labs like AV-Comparatives and Virus Bulletin (VB100).

    This malware scanner has been improved in the new version of Emsisoft Anti-Malware as well, so that even the latest threats can be safely and thoroughly removed.

    Additionally, we have greatly increased scanning speed.

  • Three-layered real-time protection:

    This is where Emsisoft has always proven to be ahead of the competition.

    Layer one is Surf Protection, which blocks browser-independent access to dangerous and fraudulent websites, to prevent you from downloading malware.

    Layer two is a dual-engine file guard, which automatically scans all new and modified files ? including those on newly attached USB data storage devices ? using over 12 million signatures. Layer three, Behavior Blocker, is our highlight.

    Behavior Blocker uses behavioral analysis to detect brand new threats based on derivative behavioral patterns.

    With version 9, Behavior Blocker’s cloud-assisted detection performance has been massively improved, resulting in fewer false positives and the possibility for more accurate malware classification.

  • Hundreds of detail improvements for a better user experience:

    It’s the simple things in life that bring us joy.

    That’s why we’ve always listened and responded quickly to our customers.

    The customer feedback we received during the past year allowed us to incorporate hundreds of improvements into Emsisoft Anti-Malware 9.

    I’d personally like to thank each and every one of our countless beta testers for their hard work and feedback.

★Emsisoft Anti-Malwarは2つのエンジン(Emsisoft Anti-Malware +
 Ikarus Anti-Virus)を搭載したマルウェア対策ソフトです。

Emsisoft Anti-Malware--オールフリーソフト

Windows 8.1に対応したEmsisoft Anti-Malware

いくつかの潜在的なメモリリークが修正されたEmsisoft Anti-Malware

Emsisoft Anti-Malware 9 released!


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