
セーフモードでのマルウェア除去に対応したFortiClient 5.2.0

セーフモードでのマルウェア除去に対応したFortiClient 5.2.0

FortiClient の最新バージョン 5.2.0 が公開されました。
セーフモードでのマルウェア除去に対応したFortiClient 5.2.0


バージョン 5.2.0 では、セーフモードでのマルウェア除去に対応


セーフモードでのマルウェア除去に対応したFortiClient 5.2.0

セーフモードでのマルウェア除去に対応したFortiClient 5.2.0



FortiClient 5.2.0 全更新内容


Malware cleanup in safe mode

Malware that is already on a Microsoft Windows computer system that could not be removed in normal mode, may be removed by running FortiClient in safe mode.

Only the FortiClient Antivirus feature is available in safe mode. Full or custom antivirus scans can be started while in safe mode.

The resulting log files and any quarantined files, will be available both in safe mode,as well as after returning to normal mode.

The FortiClient installer always runs a quick antivirus scan on the target host system before proceeding with the installation.

In case a virus on an infected system prevents downloading of the new FortiClient package, you can boot into safe mode, run the FortiClient installer to scan and quarantine the virus or malware, and then proceed with the installation.

Protection against security threats in URLs has moved to the Antivirus module

Malicious and Phishing URLs were previously configured and blocked as part of the Web Filtering feature.

These are in the Security Risk category. This category has now been moved to become part of the Antivirus feature.

When a custom FortiClient installation is created without the antivirus module, these threats are blocked by the Web Filtering feature.

View real-time protection events in the console

When an antivirus real-time protection event has occurred you can select to view these events in the FortiClient console.

Select AntiVirus → Threats Detected and select Real-time Protection events

. The realtime_scan.log will open in the default viewer.

Removable media scan

In FortiClient v5.2.0 you can select to perform an antivirus scan of all connected devices with removable storage.

Select AntiVirus → Scan Now → Removable media Scan to scan these connected devices.

When performing a Full Scan, removable storage is also scanned.

One-click button to enable antivirus

In the FortiClient console, you can enable the antivirus feature using a single button visible in the header.

This is convenient in the event that you are on a tab other than the Antivirus tab.

The button is visible only when Realtime Protection is disabled.

Web Filtering

Manual URL filter list support

FortiClient now supports URL filters configured in the FortiOS security profile and applied to the FortiClient Profile.

Web Security

FortiClient Parental Control has been renamed Web Security.

When FortiClient is registered to a FortiGate, Web Security is named Web Filter.


VPN over IPv6

VPN connections to the FortiGate can be established on a network that is configured with IPv6.

New connections may be configured from the FortiClient console or through the XML configuration file. IPv6 is supported for IPsec and SSL VPN



FortiClient (Windows) v5.2.0 Release Notes


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