ステータスバーが追加されたSystem Explorer 6.0.0
System Explorer の最新バージョン 6.0.0 が公開されました。
バージョン 6.0.0 では、ステータスバーが追加されました。
System Explorer 6.0.0 全更新内容
- Some time has passed since the previous main SE update during which we have collected a lot of your advices, needs and implementation changes and now the time has come to melt it into something new and more useful. New version of SE is here with new and improved functionalities, check it with us.
Most of you were calling for detailed history. So here we go, the History module contains more details now about all the actions in your computer, also the history storage file has been changed for easier readability.
Action log! On most modules, you will find Action log bottom panel -- a great help in listing the actual history of all processes running in your computer. It is closely connected with the Processes module and History module, showing you all the historical actions for either selected process/task when filtered or for global processes/tasks when unfiltered.
Brand new Status Bar! Brief and very readable status bar has been changed to provide more info for your computer, now showing all the necessary information in both text and graphical ways. With one look you can easily have an overall picture of the main status of your computer.
We hope that these changes will increase your satisfaction with the SystemExplorer application. Enjoy it and let us know your feedback!
★System Explorerは実行中のタスク,プロセスの表示やスタートアップ
System Explorer--オールフリーソフト
情報パネルが追加されたSystem Explorer 4.5.0
System Explorer News
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