CCleaner 5.00 Beta が公開されました。
CCleaner の最新ベータバージョン 5.00.5035 Beta が公開されました。
バージョン 5.00.5035 Beta では、ユーザーインターフェースが一新
バージョン5.00 Betaでは、ユーザーインターフェースを
※5.00.5035 Beta では、ユーザーインターフェースの変更のみで、
CCleaner 5.00.5035 Beta全更新内容
- After months of design, development and testing we are very excited to announce that CCleaner v5.0 is available to download in Beta!
CCleaner v5.0 sees a change with a redesigned, modern interface.
The current interface you know and love has remained largely the same since its first release almost 10 years ago, so we decided it was time to give it a fresh new look!
Our design team have worked hard to bring CCleaner up-to-date while making sure it still felt like the same tool that our hundreds of millions of users love.
We are extremely happy with the result, and we hope you are too!
For advanced users we have a beta version of CCleaner v5 available for you to download. (We don't recommend using this outside of test environments.)
This build includes just the interface change. The other features will be coming over the next week, with a final release build at the end of the month.
Windows 10に対応したCCleaner 4.19.4867
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Piriform News - CCleaner v5.0 is now available in Beta!
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