カスタマイズ項目が追加されたWinaero Tweaker 0.2
Winaero Tweaker の最新バージョン が公開されました。

バージョン では、カスタマイズ項目が4つ追加されました。
1.XMouse Options.

2.Boot Options

3.Make Taskbar Opaque

4.Speed up startup of desktop apps

Aero colors、Sync Metro/Aero Colorの設定が保存できない不具合などが
Winaero Tweaker 0.2 全更新内容
In version 0.2 I fixed the following bugs:
- The main window could literally disappear from the screen after you restarted the Tweaker. This was a bug related to saving/restoring the window position and size.
- In Windows 8 and 8.1, the Aero colors option did not save your preferences. This was because the "Save settings" button was accidentally made invisible.
- In Windows 8 and 8.1, the Sync Aero/Metro color option did not save your preferences. I forgot to implement it, sorry.
- The code for setting window border size was improved. Now it works faster and does not block the Taskbar and "busy" app windows when you change the border size.
The following options are new to Winaero Tweaker 0.2:
- XMouse Options.
XMouse is a feature which allows the focus of windows to follow the mouse pointer, meaning, as you move the mouse pointer around, the window which is under the mouse pointer becomes the active window.
Check it out under
Behavior -> XMouse Options: - Bootloader Options.
This is my Boot UI Tuner app now integrated into my Winaero Tweaker app.
Here you can change all the hidden secret options related to the modern bootloader in Windows 8 and above.
Check it out under Boot and Logon -> Boot Options: - Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
This option allows you to disable the taskbar transparency in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
Again, this was possible with my standalone "Opaque Taskbar" app.
However, in Winaero Tweaker I coded it almost from scratch, made the code better and faster.
Now it is applied using a "WinaeroTweakerHelper" process which can also be used to get rid of the taskbar transparency at startup.
The user interface is similar to Opaque Taskbar: - Startup speed up for Windows 8/8.1.
Here you can speed up the startup of desktop apps.
See the details HERE to learn more about why Windows delays apps at startup.
I just implemented the GUI for this tweak:
★Winaero TweakerはWindowsの様々な項目をカスタマイズすることが
Winaero Tweaker--オールフリーソフト
Opaque Taskbar--オールフリーソフト
Boot UI Tuner--オールフリーソフト
Winaero XMouse Tuner--オールフリーソフト
Winaero Tweaker has been updated to version 0.2
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